Sultan Brunei

World has been exploded with rage with Sultan of Brunei starts to implement Syariah’s law which is a compulsory applied for Muslim only. I know that you guys want to stand up with human right what so ever but this kind of lgbt things are very controversial and might effect young generation to do the same. LGBT or should we simply call the forbidden sex is not a healthy lifestyle. You choose to be gay or lesbian or what so ever just because you feeling something missing inside your soul and you are struggling to fill your inner soul with something that could make you happy. And some of human choose to be a gay or lesbian to express their happiness of life. We cannot argue that every human have their own right to choose their own pathway of happiness but not with kind of forbidden sex. There is so many things that could feel your desire to be happy. Okay, actually I’m just to agree with Sultan who is making his own rule to his own country which I believe that peoples there are very lucky to learn implementing the syariahs law. You cannot say that Islam is a religion which always preaches about how to punish people who are standing with their choices to be happy by having a forbidden sex before you could learn what the lesson behind the syariahs law is. You cannot see the lesson because you talk with emotional and desire to stand up with your humanity ideology and without trying to study what is syariahs law. There are so many preparation and requirement before you could punish someone. And there you go you will not going to believe this because your heart and mind already set to be opposite with positive things. And I want to say that Islam is always standing for human right. HOW? By this punishment, you will learn to make a good choice and not stray apart from the truth. You think you already learn your happiness but if it kind of forbidden sex, it is not happiness. It is the choices you had to make to fulfill your desire and lust or maybe your empty soul. These syariahs law already gaining a colossal amount of attention from the whole world including some of celebrities give support to boycott Brunei and some of companies even dare to cut ties with Brunei. There is a lot of people and community craving for support and human right such as Palestine who always got bombing by Israel which is much bigger news in this era instead of syariahs law who is compatible to be applied to the whole nation which involves Muslim people.  I don’t even understand why some Muslim people are proud to be gay or lesbian and even dare to backlash their own religion syariahs law? Wait, how is your life before this? How comes you barely cannot understand that is your religion shariahs law and why you have to embarrass our own religion? First time you born on this world as a Muslim and now you are trying to imply how wrong the syariahs law is? It is like….  when your mother has raised you so good enough can tell everything is falling on its places and when you grew up, you letting your mother alone at village and here you are celebrating your richness (it is a long comparison don’t expect you to understand).. If you are trying to find the truth, we brothers sisters can help guide you and if you don’t want, it’s meant you are not ready yet to leave your comfort zone of lust and unable to prepare to get used with the truth.

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